European Foul Brood with attachment

July 2022

European Foul brood has very recently been confirmed in the Bethesda/Bangor area and also in the Mold area.  Our Seasonal Bee Inspector’s Jonathan Garratt (North West Wales) Thomas Birch (North East Wales) has asked me to notify all beekeepers in or near that area to be especially vigilant, read the attached booklet and report any brood with signs of EFB to him as soon as possible on

Jonathan Garratt 07775 119479 or

Thomas Birch 07796 021642 or

A close up photograph of the suspect brood would be particularly helpful.

If you are a relatively new beekeeper then please consider discussing what you are seeing with your mentor before contacting the bee inspectors.  If you suspect that you have an infected colony then please make sure that you follow the instructions in the attached booklet to avoid spreading the infection.

Jonathan & Thomas will be organising the inspection of apiaries in the locality of the confirmed cases.

If you do not live close to the area please read the booklet SEE BOOKLET anyway and remain vigilant.  In particular make sure that you know where bees that you buy or are given have come from.

Best wishes

Jonathan & Thomas

Jonathan Garratt,

Seasonal Bee Inspector NW Wales | National Bee Unit | Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) Arolygydd Gwenyn Tymhorol | Uned Gwenyn Cenedlaethol | Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion (APHA)

T/Ff: 07775 119479 e-mail /e-bost: : | Twitter: @APHAgovuk | Facebook: aphagov |

National Bee Unit, National Agri-Food Innovation Campus, Sand Hutton, York, YO41 1LZ Uned Gwenyn Cenedlaethol, National Agri-Food Innovation Campus, Sand Hutton, Caer Efrog, YO41 1LZ

B49 G26 R25