Poly Hive – Chemical Sterilisation formula calculation
The NBU Provide guidance on sterilisation of Beekeeping equipment here
For Poly hives the guidance is as follows so we’ve provided you with a calculator to help get your measurements correct:
Brood boxes, supers and other beekeeping equipment can be effectively sterilised using disinfectants containing hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is present at a concentration of about 3% in household bleach. Research has shown that immersion for twenty minutes in a solution of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite kills AFB spores and other bacteria. In this case you therefore need to make a solution of one part household bleach to five parts water. It is essential that the spores are in contact with the solution, so any items immersed must be thoroughly cleaned. For disinfecting one or two boxes, a suitable tray could be used and each box wall treated individually, before rotating to treat the respective walls. For larger quantities of equipment, a deeper trough will be needed. After immersion in bleach, be sure to rinse the
equipment down with water. Laboratory studies conducted at the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) suggest that other chemical disinfectants may be useful for general sterilisation, but further tests are required to ensure these are effective against foulbrood infection, especially AFB spores. When using this system you must wear suitable protective clothing, protect your eyes and use rubber gloves